The consistent historical narrative of the Tauragė region begins with prehistory and continues to the present day. Archaeological finds, the remains of the Tauragė manor, the features of the border with Prussia, the world wars, the devastated land, and the flourishing of a modern industrial city. Yiddish, German, Russian and Lithuanian-speaking Tauragians who lived here are presented. The Industrial Revolution struck Tauragė during the Soviet era, so the exhibition contains many examples of products from that time. Puzzles, games, a quiz, a slide table and columns of interesting facts will allow you to touch on the story.
(Note: The tablet-audio guide is on display.)
After both world wars, the city of Tauragė remained especially devastated. The installation “Lost Tauragė” is located in the basement of the tower. Here, special attention is paid to imitating reality: the gloomy environment, the scattering of the wreckage of imitation weapons and the smoke of nitrogen make it feel as if you are hiding in a bunker and a war is going on above us.
Vieta, kur profesionaliai eksponuojamos vaizduojamojo meno parodos, žinomų ir talentingų menininkų darbai. Erdvę rasite didžiojo pilies korpuso pirmame aukšte.
It is not common for visitors to visit museum depositories. During the renovation of the museum, a solution was found – a glass wall, behind which the exhibits of the depository can be seen by people. In addition, the museum’s restorer’s workshop became open to visitors.