Alfonsas Čepauskas Art Gallery

The gallery’s permanent exposition includes sheet and small graphics, illustrations and ex-libris, chamber wood and small metal and miniature stone sculptures, sketches, paintings and other art genres, author’s, personal exhibitions and other publications.

In the plots of epic cycles of graphic works – ambiguous historical interpretations of the life, existence, struggles for freedom and survival of the Samogitian people in the Middle Ages. In allegorical-philosophical cycles: the way of an individual’s life, aspirations, obligations, symbiosis of man and nature, interpretations of mythology and legends, sacral symbols. Small graphics, ex-libris are associated with the environment, architecture, individual activities, hobbies, purpose and specifics of institutions. Impressions of distant lands and travels are revealed by sketched sketches, paintings, paintings of photo collages, reflecting nature, architecture, human works, customs. In recent years, chamber sculptures of generalized forms of polished wood, bent and riveted small metal plastic and miniature stone sculptures have appeared in the artist’s multifaceted work.

The artist Alfonsas Čepauskas has participated in about 300 joint exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad, organized more than 50 personal exhibitions in Latvia, Poland, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, Italy, Finland, Denmark and many in Lithuania. He has won over half a hundred various awards in international competitions. His works are in Lithuanian and foreign museums, libraries, collections of many collectors. Lives in Vilnius, is a member of the Association of Lithuanian Artists, Lithuanian Journalists and Artists.

Mokyklos cross road. 4, Skaudvilė (gymnasium)



Bilietas suaugusiems – 2 €

Lengvatinis bilietas – 1 €
Pensininkams, studentams, privalomosios karo prievolės kariškiams, mokiniams.

Nemokamas lankymas:
Tauragės rajono ugdymo įstaigų moksleivių grupėms bei jas lydintiems mokytojams trečiadieniais.
Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams.
Lietuvos Respublikos muziejininkams.
Pateikus POLA kortelę, neįgaliesiems ir jiems talkinantiems asmenims.
Asmenims, kuriems sukako 80 metų ir vyresniems.

Working hours

Lankytojų priėmimo laikas:

Pirmadienį – ketvirtadienį – 8-17 val.
Penktadienį – 9-15.45 val.
Pietų pertrauka 12 – 12,45 val.

Šventinėmis nedarbo dienomis galerija nedirba.
Dėl lankymo kitomis valandomis ir šeštadieniais susitarti iš anksto.
