Tue. – 9-17.
Wed. – 9-17.
Thu. – 9-17.
Fri. – 9-15.45.
Sat. – 10-16.
The museum is closed on public holidays.
Lunch time 12:00-12:45
The museum is located in the former headquarters of the NKVD. There were cells in the basement and interrogations were taking place on the upper floors. The exposition tells about exile, prisons and labour camps, about the life of partisans and the suffering of the resistance. In the interactive interrogation room, visitors can participate in such an interrogation themselves. A partisan bunker-hideout is installed in the museum premises. There is an opportunity to see an authentic NKVD educational film about the search for partisan hideouts and bunkers, to see a hologram. There is also Lithuanian Reform Movement exposition, which reminds of important events for the state and Tauragė during the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Prezidento g. 38
Tue. – 9-17.
Wed. – 9-17.
Thu. – 9-17.
Fri. – 9-15.45.
Sat. – 10-16.
The museum is closed on public holidays.
Lunch time 12:00-12:45
2 € – ticket price for adults.
1 € – ticket price for non-Tauragė district students.
Free admission:
Pensioneers, students, conscripts, pupils of Tauragė educational institutions, the disabled and persons assiting them. For preschool children.
Deportees, political prisoners.
Honorary citizens of Tauragė, official guests and delegations of Tauragė district municipality, members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), museologists of the Republic of Lithuania (upon presentation of a certificate).
10 € – additional visitor ticket is required
Exile and Resistance Museum has a unique exhibition dedicated to deportations. On the first floor of the museum we can see various items of deportees brought from exile. In the educational program, students can take a closer look at each exhibit, see what they might not even notice sometimes, because they have to do it in the dark using only a flashlight.
Tai istorijos pamoka – spektaklis, kurios metu lankytojai bus tardomi KGB kabinete. Kiekvienas „sulaikytasis“ savo kailiu patirs sovietų saugumiečių patyčias, smurtą, verbavimą, bus mokomi sovietinių lozungų, pažinti „naują“ istoriją. Prieš tai, kiekvienas dalyvis supažindinamas su edukacijos taisyklėmis, sutikdamas su jomis – pasirašo sutikimą. KGB tardytojo pareigas atlieka buvęs Tauragės liaudies teatro aktorius. Po šio interaktyvaus […]
Norint tapti Kęstučio apygardos partizanu teks: savo vardą pakeisti slapyvardžiu, savo aprangą paženklinti skiriamuoju ženklu, savo atsidavimą Lietuvai patvirtinti priesaika. Edukacinio užsiėmimo metu dalyviai galės įsijausti ir pajusti to meto kovotojų dvasią. Ši edukacija skirta tautiniam, pilietiniam ugdymui ir istorijos – Tauragės krašto rezistencinių kovų pažinimui. Kaip užsisakyti? ausra.norviliene@tauragesmuziejus.lt arba +370 655 56 300 Prašome […]